The Imperative of Innovative Risk Embracing (Ellsberg, 2013) underscores the pivotal part risk plays for those engaged in creative pursuits. While the later sections primarily explore how to navigate risks associated with introducing new products into the market, this conversation somewhat strays from the fundamental correlation between creativity and risk.
To better understand this foundational relationship between creativity and risk, it is beneficial to dissect their respective definitions. Creativity is widely recognized across numerous studies as an ability to conjure up novel ideas that carry value. The heart of the issue lies within inherent uncertainty: truly groundbreaking concepts often lack prior instances proving their success. This gives birth to what we refer to as creative risk.
This type of risk can be seen as manageable and context-dependent; its intensity depends on specific situations at hand. For instance, when presenting a fresh product aimed at enhancing young families' sustenance, strategies are suggested by Ellsberg's article that effectively tackle such significant risks involved therein. Conversely, if applied within contexts like learning or communication environments where perceived risks tend not so high—risk becomes more calculated venture largely worth undertaking due mainly because—as Ethan Hawke (2020) insightfully pointed out—the act of taking on personal exposure-related uncertainties could pave way towards forming deep emotional bonds thereby leading us witness some most sublime moments ever experienced by humankind.
References: Ellsberg, M. (2013, May 17). The Necessity of Creative Risk Taking. Big Think. Hawke, E. (2020, July 23). Give yourself permission to be creative.
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