Drawing inspiration from the philosophy proposed by Steve Jobs in 2017, I have an analogous narrative to share that mirrors this sentiment, albeit less distinctly.
Several years prior, I found myself grappling with finding meaning amid the monotonous routine of my corporate occupation. As a result, I took a courageous leap and abandoned this lifestyle for entrepreneurial pursuits by establishing a quaint café. This significant change allowed me to acquire priceless life competencies. It taught me how crucial it was to make decisive choices and bear their outcomes; honed my skills in negotiating with business partners and property owners; and deepened my comprehension of consumer demands.
After half a dozen years had passed since venturing into entrepreneurship, I assumed another position as operations director at a performing arts corporation. Interestingly enough, all the expertise garnered during my stint as an entrepreneur effortlessly transitioned into this new role. For example: My knack for taking initiative became instrumental in motivating and guiding my team members while instilling accountability within them positioned me among one of the most reliable individuals within our organization—my negotiation acumen also proved beneficial when interacting with suppliers on more advantageous terms.
Looking back now—I credit these achievements not only due to adopting an initial attitude openness but also because it set forth such transformative journey.
Jobs, S. (2017). Steve Jobs - Connecting The Dots - Motivational Video [YouTube Video]. In YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz0j7z38LIg